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A Boy on Ice

She watched him skate away, across the wide open lake.

Snippets of his silhouette melted into the icy reflections, as he soared past.

A man dressed in a blue jacket, and a red dog who trailed behind him.

Slowly, he became smaller and smaller.

There he goes, goes, gone.” She thought.

The man disappeared completely.

Behind a corner of the lake in which she was painting.

The women tried to remember his path, as she sketched it onto the landscape.

A man on the ice.

His cares fell away, as he flew past his own shadow.

His heart pumped louder.

His hair got wet.

His icy eyes twinkled from the bright sun against piericing white snow.

Not once did he look back.

Not once did his smile turn downwards.

He glided farther and farther away from the land.

Or should I say, closer to the center of infinity.

And as he reached, he slowed his pace to match his hearts.

There he was.

Surrounded by islands, forests, ice, the sky, and trees.

Wind tugged at his cheeks and ears, begging him to continue.

To continue dancing with it.

The sun peaked through the clouds above, and casted a bright glow on the the earth.

For a brief instantaneous moment, the man stopped breathing.

For the earth was breathing for him.

A grin appeared where it was once before, and he laughed as if with pure delight.

He had transformed into a boy again.

A boy on skates, upon a vast frozen horizon.

A red dog, that slipped and danced behind.

The sunshine above.

The sky below.

The strong ice beyond.

He flew into his destiny.

- Elin, spring 2017

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